jueves, 7 de abril de 2011

The Closet Voyeur ✈

This week The Closet Voyeur is full of color thanks to the treasures of Roxy Love. Roxy is an illustrator and co-founder of the Rehab Buy Sell Trade project. It was an adventure to photograph her place, because everywhere I looked something interesting went on.
Sit back and enjoy Roxy’s colorful world.


This blog is written by me, Bere Hernandez, a Mexican girl. I write about fashion, photography and arts in general.
I’m always up for freelancing gigs (writing, photography, video, etc) so if you want me to collaborate with you please contact me at my e-mail below
E-mail: tardeotempranoblog [at] gmail [dot] com
Twitter: bere_jh
Facebook: tardeotemprano
Tumblr: ToTpicts and Insides Count and Estilo Manifiesto
Flickr: B-re
About Me: Bere Hernández